Saturday, November 27, 2010

Arch Canyon *(pictures added)

Hi everybody! I want to tell you about a cool adventure. I went to Arch Canyon right by Comb Ridge. It was a place where the anasazi use to live. It's a beautiful place! My brothers and I wanted to go on a  hike. there was a little mountain by the camp. so my brothers went to go climb it. I only went half way up of my brothers helped me down......Which was kind-kind of fun-you don't need to here this part. Anyway my mom wanted to go up on the montain with me. I showed mom  the  half way part.  But she said,''Now where do we go?'' uh,oh, now what do I do?''This is how far I can go.'' I said.'' Oh, I thought you knew how to go all the way up. '' My mom said.  Then we went back down. My mom found  a way and I wanted to go that way, but right as I was going up, my mom found a way better way. It was like a stair case. So now I was up. The sight was pretty, we had fun, and it was a great November week. 


now you can clap

Monday, September 27, 2010

Going on a hike

You might be sick of these adventures, maybe not.  I'm gonna tell you an adventure with my cousins.  I went on a hike.  we took some photos before we left. we saw this hill. it wasn't a great hill to climb, but my brothers and I tried too.  So did my cousins.   My brothers and I were at the top of the hill chucking rocks. One of my brothers said ''Heads up climbers!'' before he through a rock. after that  we were looking for a lake. when we found the lake,we through rocks in the lake.  When we were going back, my mom said, ''We worked so hard going up, and now we get to see the pretty scenery!''

the two people  write a  on my blog first, will get a present from me. 

Friday, August 27, 2010

Turkey Trouble

 O.K. this is not about Egypt any more.   I'm talking about Bear Lake.   When I was going to my grandma's hot tub, I found Turkey poop.  Now that is disgusting.  So my brothers and I were swimming in the hot tub.  My twin brother said, "I thought that was rat turd!" I told my mom that if she wanted to  go in the hot tub, she better watch out for the turkey trouble.   I brought a flash light because it was in the evening.   The next day, I was having fun with my brothers.  My grandpa said, ''Say you and I go up there and wash it off.''  I thought he was joking. So I said yes.  We took it off.  I  found a turkey feather.  I was happy after that.  So now you know there can always be trouble in turkeys. THE END.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Going to Egypt

Welcome to the adventure world.  My name is Ada and I'm going to tell you about my adventures.  Now you may be thinking that I've been to Alaska or something like that, but I haven't.  I'm just a normal girl who has a great imagination.  My mom says that I'm creative.  My dad  says that  I could  be a tie designer.  I've been to California before.That's one adventure.  You could be a part of it if you read  this.

 Let's just say you've never went to any place but home.  Your mom says that she is going to Egypt and she  wants you to come with her.  The next day she's sick, would you still go?  I wouldn't.  I would take care of her until she could go.

Imagine for a second.  Your at Egypt and it was a long flight.   You are very tired.  You sleep in a hotel.  The next morning, you wake up.....OH! Look I see a camel!  Let's go ride on it!  Anyway, your riding on a camel....OH!!!  I see a pyramid! Let's go climb it!   O.K. your in a pyramid and..... AWSOME!  GOLD! Let's take some!  Mom we're not robers.  HEY!  Put the gold down!  Stop imagining people. I'm done. Hey Rosa could I have another cream soda?